
[谈天说地] [推荐]《时代周刊》2008年度全球100位最具影响力人物名单

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发表于 2008-5-2 16:10:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式






Our fifth annual list of the world's most influential people: leaders, thinkers, heroes, artists, scientists and more. (TIME)





Leaders & Revolutionaries


    * Dalai Lama

    * Vladimir Putin

    * Barack Obama

    * Hillary Clinton

    * John McCain

    * Hu Jintao

    * George W. Bush

    * Jacob Zuma

    * Anwar Ibrahim

    * Kevin Rudd

    * Bartholomew I

    * Ben Bernanke

    * Muqtada al-Sadr

    * Robert Gates

    * Michelle Bachelet

    * Sonia Gandhi

    * Baitullah Mehsud

    * Evo Morales

    * Ma Ying-jeou

    * Ashfaq Kayani


Heroes & Pioneers


    * Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie

    * Oprah Winfrey

    * Oscar Pistorius

    * Mia Farrow

    * Andre Agassi

    * Lance Armstrong

    * Bob and Suzanne Wright

    * Peter Gabriel

    * Kaká

    * Sheik Mohammed al-Maktoum

    * Yoani Sánchez

    * Madeeha Hasan Odhaib

    * Randy Pausch

    * Lorena Ochoa

    * Tony Blair

    * Alexis Sinduhije

    * Aung San Suu Kyi

    * George Mitchell


Scientists & Thinkers


    * Michael Bloomberg

    * Craig Venter

    * Jill Bolte Taylor

    * Larry Brilliant

    * Jeff Han

    * Mehmet Oz

    * Nancy Brinker

    * Harold McGee

    * Peter Pronovost

    * Eric Chivian & Richard Cizik

    * Mary Lou Jepsen

    * Paul Allen

    * Nicholas Schiff

    * Mark Zuckerberg

    * Wendy Kopp

    * Shinya Yamanaka & James Thomson

    * Michael Griffin

    * Susan Solomon

    * Isaac Berzin


Artists & Entertainers


    * Lorne Michaels

    * Miley Cyrus

    * Robert Downey Jr.

    * Herbie Hancock

    * Joel & Ethan Coen

    * Bruce Springsteen

    * Peter Gelb

    * Mariah Carey

    * Khaled Hosseini

    * Elizabeth Gilbert

    * Rem Koolhaas

    * Judd Apatow

    * Alex Rigopulos & Eran Egozy

    * George Clooney

    * Tim Russert

    * Suze Orman

    * Stephenie Meyer

    * Tyler Perry

    * Tom Stoppard

    * Chris Rock

    * Takashi Murakami


Builders & Titans


    * Indra Nooyi

    * Ali al-Naimi

    * Rupert Murdoch

    * Steve Jobs

    * Radiohead

    * John Chambers

    * Jeff Bezos

    * Jay Adelson

    * Steve Ballmer

    * Jamie Dimon

    * Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

    * Lou Jiwei

    * Neelie Kroes

    * Jeffrey Immelt

    * Karl Lagerfeld

    * Lloyd Blankfein

    * Carlos Slim

    * Mo Ibrahim

    * Ratan Tata

    * Cynthia Carroll

    * Carine Roitfeld

    * Michael Arrington

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