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发表于 2007-11-22 11:22:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Listening At All Levels
Dawn Airey

If you run an organization it’s absolutely critical to listen to everybody at every level. Not only to get a sense of what is going on, but also to understand the issues and the dynamics of an organization.

About ten years ago, I was in charge of children’s programs for ITV.I was coming across from Central Television, where I was Director of Broadcasting.? My first day on the job was like the Post Office letters to Father Christmas. There were sacks and sacks and sacks of proposals.

I thought: “How do we go through all of this?” So my PA, Elspeth, and I literally just burnt the midnight oil to get through them. To be frank, you can read from the first page whether it’s good or bad, and we invariably had to take some pretty visceral decisions – yes, yes, no, yes, no. We got through it all with a certain amount of speed and were very, very ruthless.

As I say, you could tell straight away whether something was going to work or not. If something was going to work and you wanted to get the production company in, you’d say: “That’s a number one response, so get them in the diary; we’ll get them in and talk to them.”

Number two would be – and this was very rare – a: “Maybe, but I just need a bit more information”, or “I just need to see how the schedule pans out.”

Number three – the second best answer in broadcasting – is a swift: “No”.

A number four would be a swift no, but it would be a swift no with respect, so we would send it out seven days on. If it came from a very well-known production company or one of the ITV companies, you wouldn’t turn around and say “No” immediately because they’d think: “Oh, you haven’t considered it”, whereas you had considered it, and you knew.? But you didn’t say that to the companies because they would get really upset if they got a rejection the next day.? So it would be a number four; which was a polite turn down, but we’ll send the letter in seven days.

And so one of the shows came from an independent, and it was about St. Tiggywinkle’s, which is a little wildlife hospital in Buckinghamshire. I said: “Elspeth, that’s definitely a number four,” and she said: “Oh, I rather like that idea.” I said: “Well I don’t really care whether you rather like the idea or not. I don’t, and I’m the Controller of Kids’ Programs. Number four.”

So we were doing a review, which I always do at the end of each week to see what’s outstanding and what letters we have sent out, just recap and see if there are any patterns in terms of what’s going on.

I said: “That number four hasn’t gone out yet – the St. Tiggywinkle’s. It should have gone out.” Elspeth said: “Well, I’m not going to send it. I don’t think it should be a number four. I think they should come in and talk to you because I think it’s a really good idea.” I said: “A bit cheeky. Just go back to making the coffee and typing up.” And she replied: “Nope. I’m going to ask them to come in.” I looked at her: “Give me that proposal again.” So I read it, and I still didn’t quite get it – quite cutesy, with little hedgehogs with their arms in plaster and all that – very sweet, but… But I said: “All right, then.” She had just kept banging on about it; it was a week later.

So we got the company in, and actually it was a nice idea. I thought: ‘Well, if she’s really passionate about it maybe she’s right; maybe we should commission it.’ We did, and it did spectacularly well.

Now this is a lesson in listening to a voice which is employed to do one thing, but actually is very bright and can input into what you’re doing and just occasionally say: “You don’t have all the answers, and I think you should rethink what you’re doing.” And she was absolutely right. You do have to listen to those people around you and just sometimes stand back and say: “Yes, actually you should have the chance to do this.”

I now operate a system with my key creatives. As I said, I’ve got 20 years’ experience in television, so I like to think I know what I’m doing most of the time. But programming is not an exact science.

So I give all of my key creatives two cards, which they’re allowed to play at any point because these are imaginative cards. They can come along and say: “This is something I know you are not going to like. In fact, I know you’re going to hate it. But I really love it and want to do it, and I’m going to play that card.” And nobody has ever let me down. They’ve always been right.

So you give what are not quite “get out of jail” cards, but “something that you really want to do that I can’t question, because you’re employed as a senior creative” cards. I’m employed to give guidance and strategic direction and to try to give the benefit of my experience. But my experience is different to somebody else’s. And you can’t be dogmatic; you can’t say you have the answers all the time. You say: “OK – play your card. If you play it and you’re right, you get two cards back.” And it works.









  当时我发现圣提基温克的回复还没发出。我说:“你应该早把它发出去了。”Elspeth说:“我不准备发出去,我觉得这个想法很好,应该请他们过来谈谈。”我说:“你真是无礼。给我去泡杯咖啡,然后把拒信打印出来。”她回答说:“不,我会请他们过来谈谈的。”我看看她说:“把建议书递给我再看一下。” 于是我又读了一遍,仍旧没有理解它好在哪里。建议是关于刺猬的腿上打了石膏的事,可爱倒是可爱,但是... 我说:“就这样吧。”她软磨硬泡了一个星期我才答应。

  于是我们把这家公司请来谈了谈,这确实是个不错的想法。我想:“她真的对此充满信心或许她是对的,或许真的应该试一试。” 后来我们实践了这个创意,效果非常好。

上述实例说明:在做一件事情时,]听取下属的意见是非常重要的。他们可能非常聪明,他们偶尔会对你说:“这事儿你并不全对,我想你应该重新考虑一下。” 她是完全正确的。你必须听取你周围人的意见,有时你可以放手对他们说:“行,你可以去试一下。



我给他们牌的目的不是告诉他们“想干什么就干什么”,而是表示我不会质疑你真正想做的事,因为你是一位高级创意人员。我的职责是提供战略指导意见,交流我的经验。但是我的经验不同于其他人的经验。你不能太过武断;你不能说你知道所有问题的答案。你应该说:“好的,就按你的想法去做。如果你这次用了牌并且获得成功,那我还会再发给你两张牌。” 这个做法真的奏效了。



发表于 2007-11-23 09:46:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-11-23 12:47:48 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-11-23 20:28:29 | 只看该作者
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老祖宗 造就告诉过我们了。经理人的重要任务就是


发表于 2007-11-25 12:27:29 | 只看该作者




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发表于 2007-11-26 10:26:18 | 只看该作者




发表于 2007-12-1 20:56:29 | 只看该作者


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