五个为什么的原则是凡事五思而行,多问几个为什么,找到问题的根源.因为一个问题的发生或许有很多的影响因素.在一个公司里,通常发生问题时是由一个项目 小组来进行处理,他们都熟悉问题所在,不需要特别的技术.The 5 why's typically refers to the practice of asking, five times, why the failure has occurred in order to get to the root cause/causes of the problem. There can be more than one cause to a problem as well. In an organizational context, generally root cause analysis is carried out by a team of persons related to the problem. No special technique is required.
例子,你在路上需要停车.An example is in order:
You are on your way home from work and your car stops: · 为什么要停车?因为没油了.Why did your car stop? Because it ran out of gas. · 为什么没油了?因为在路上没有加油.Why did it run out of gas? Because I didn't buy any gas on my way to work. · 为什么今天早晨没有加油?因为没钱了.Why didn't you buy any gas this morning? Because I didn't have any money. · 为什么没钱了?因为昨晚打牌都输光了.Why didn't you have any money? Because I lost it all last night in a poker game.
这 个例子好象挺傻.它主要是说明在发生问题的时候,需要深入地发掘背后的原因.如果没有学会对问题根本原因的分析,你会只处理表面现象,治标不治理,没多久 问题还会回来.你会不断犯同样的错误.I hope you don't mind the silly example but it should illustrate the importance of digging down beneath the most proximate cause of the problem. Failure to determine the root cause assures that you will be treating the symptoms of the problem instead of its cause, in which case, the disease will return, that is, you will continue to have the same problems over and over again.
这个方法并不是说问几个为什么有多重要,关键 是发现问题的根源.你可能只问一个问题,为什么昨晚打牌输光了?Also note that the actual numbers of why's is not important as long as you get to the root cause. One might well ask why did you lose all your money in the poker game last night?
_____ 另 外一个例子,是学习这个方法时的一个例子.Here's another example. I learned the example using the Washington
Monument used when demonstrating the use of the 5 Whys.
华盛顿纪念碑正面临倒塌的危险.The Washington Monument was disintegrating 为什么?因为使用强烈的化学物质.Why? Use of harsh chemicals 为什么?清洁鸽子窝.Why? To clean pigeon poop 为什么那末多鸽子?他们吃蜘蛛,纪念碑上有太多蜘蛛.Why so many pigeons? They eat spiders and there are a lot of spiders at monument 为什么纪念碑上有那末多蜘蛛?他们吃昆虫,纪念碑上昆虫很多.Why so many spiders? They eat gnats and lots of gnats at monument 为什么有那末多昆虫?他们被黄昏的光线吸引.Why so many gnats? They are attracted to the light at dusk. 解决方案:把开灯的时间推迟.Solution: Turn on the lights at a later time. |