
每周发现(Jan2007 2nd)

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发表于 2007-1-17 11:55:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


when we know something, it becomes hard for us to imagine not knowing it. As a result, we become lousy communicators.

Lots of entrepreneurs can tell you a dozen reasons that their product or service will transform the world. A good challenge for them would be to sort through the dozen reasons and pick the single most important one. It’s a worthy aspiration to paint a picture of the world that is simple enough and concrete enough to be sketched on a cocktail napkin.

so the idea of MySpace may not matter as much as the product. You have to be there because that’s where your friends are, just like you have to buy on eBay because that’s where the sellers are. But if something can unseat MySpace it might be a reverse of the basic identity appeal.

1.Simple A single, clear mission.
(简单: 一个简单,清晰的任务)
2.Unexpected A man on the moon? It seemed like science fiction at the time.
3.Concrete Success was defined so clearly—no one could quibble about man, moon, or decade.
4.Credible This was the President of the U.S. talking.
5.Emotional It appealed to the aspirations and pioneering instincts of an entire nation.
6.Story An astronaut overcomes great obstacles to achieve an amazing goal.

It is not what it is worth today, but what it can be worth in the future as part of your strategy

The first question we will ask is: "What gives you an unfair advantage?"

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