fisherljy 发表于 2006-9-6 12:04:18


<P>一个重要且痛苦的决定:经理裁员 </P>
<P>致全体英特尔员工, </P>
<P>内部另行安排他们的工作不是一个现实的选择。 </P>
<P>在这个艰难的时期向他们提供尽可能的帮助。 </P>
<P>了我们的决策效率。 </P>
<P>。你们许多人在给效率小组的反馈里都提到了这点。 </P>
<P>们在这个竞争愈加激烈的市场里持续占得先机。 </P>
<P>就我们下一步的工作和计划重点有更多详述。 </P>
<P>而我们的所有行动,都是为了确保这个事实可以延伸到未来。 </P>
<P>产生利润增长的强势公司才会吸引竞争对手。 </P>
<P>们还有时间和能力去完成这个使命,这也将确保我们永远第一。 </P>
<P>Paul </P>
<P>邮件原文如下: <BR>From: Otellini, Paul <BR>Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:11 PM <BR>Subject: An important and difficult step: Manager reductions </P>
<P>To: All Intel employees </P>
<P>This week we’re taking an important and difficult step in </P>
<P>our efficiency project: reducing the number of Intel managers </P>
<P>by about 1,000 people worldwide. Only managers, ranging from </P>
<P>senior to first-line, are affected. This step is important </P>
<P>because it addresses a key problem we’ve found in our </P>
<P>efficiency analysis—slow and ineffective decision-making, </P>
<P>resulting, in part, from too many management layers. It is </P>
<P>difficult because the managers who will leave the company are </P>
<P>our colleagues and friends, and since we have limited </P>
<P>internal job opportunities, redeploying their skills is not a </P>
<P>viable option. </P>
<P>We are notifying the majority of impacted employees on </P>
<P>Thursday and Friday this week, and (except where a country’s </P>
<P>laws require different steps and timelines) we plan to have </P>
<P>all affected employees informed by Monday, July 17. In the </P>
<P>U.S., most employees’ last day of work will be July 28, and </P>
<P>their benefits will include a minimum of about three months’ </P>
<P>separation pay (and more for lengths of service over two </P>
<P>years). In other regions the process and benefits will </P>
<P>differ. While we can’t eliminate the impact to these </P>
<P>employees, we’re committed to offering them support during </P>
<P>this difficult time. </P>
<P>This manager reduction is one of the first major actions </P>
<P>coming out of our structure and efficiency project, and I </P>
<P>believe it’s an essential first step toward making us more </P>
<P>competitive. Over the last five years at Intel, the number of </P>
<P>managers has grown faster than our overall employee </P>
<P>population. Our efficiency analysis and industry benchmarking </P>
<P>have shown that we have too many management layers, top to </P>
<P>bottom, to be effective. </P>
<P>In addition, this finding is consistent with what our </P>
<P>organizational health surveys have suggested: that the </P>
<P>relative increase in management has impaired decision-making </P>
<P>and communication, reducing the company’s efficiency and </P>
<P>productivity. Many of you have made the same point in your </P>
<P>individual inputs to the efficiency team. </P>
<P>As I’ve said in previous Webcasts, one of the outcomes of </P>
<P>the structure and efficiency project is that we’ll be a </P>
<P>leaner and more agile company. We’ll make quicker decisions, </P>
<P>collaborate better across the company, and enable a cost </P>
<P>structure that allows us to continue to win in our extremely </P>
<P>competitive industry as it evolves. </P>
<P>This manager action is one step along that path. Another was </P>
<P>the decision to sell our communications and applications </P>
<P>processor business to Marvell. We’ll continue to identify </P>
<P>other opportunities, act on each one as soon as we can, and </P>
<P>tell you about the changes as soon as possible. I’ll talk </P>
<P>more about this and our business priorities in my employee </P>
<P>Webcast on July 19 at 4 p.m. Pacific time. </P>
<P>In April I said that we had decided not to do an immediate “</P>
<P>across the board” layoff, because that would be reactionary </P>
<P>– focused only on the current environment rather than the </P>
<P>long term strategic needs of our company. Instead, we chose </P>
<P>to undertake a longer, more comprehensive project to analyze </P>
<P>all of our operations and make strategic, data-driven </P>
<P>decisions. That is still our plan. This manager reduction was </P>
<P>the result of careful assessments of the management and </P>
<P>leadership roles we need for our future success. We are in </P>
<P>the process of fundamentally changing our behaviors and our </P>
<P>structure for where our business and industry are going. You </P>
<P>should expect that we will continue to take actions, </P>
<P>including selective reductions, as we complete analyses and </P>
<P>decisions about investments, expense levels and </P>
<P>organizational structures. You should also keep in mind that </P>
<P>at the end of this process we will still be the largest and </P>
<P>most profitable semiconductor company on earth. Our actions </P>
<P>are focused on ensuring that is true well into the future. </P>
<P>I know this is hard for all of us to internalize and accept. </P>
<P>We have done extremely well over the past 25 years of the </P>
<P>“PC era.” But we need to adjust now for where our industry </P>
<P>is going. Competition will intensify across our product </P>
<P>lines. Pricing will be aggressive. We should not only accept </P>
<P>that reality, but recognize that it reflects the position we </P>
<P>have earned in the industry and the strength of our strategic </P>
<P>direction. Weak companies pursuing low-growth markets do not </P>
<P>attract competition. Strong companies that have commanding </P>
<P>positions and generate strong earnings growth are the ones </P>
<P>that attract competition. </P>
<P>Our objective, and our destiny, is to refashion Intel now </P>
<P>while we have the means and the time to do so, and ensure we </P>
<P>continue to remain number one. </P>
<P>Paul </P>

一方伊人 发表于 2006-9-7 10:55:46

<p>yes,when we face problem and difficulty,we must take action immediately,oh,also,before action,we should think over again and again.</p>

豇豆 发表于 2006-9-7 16:49:01

Is manager reductions of Intel&nbsp;&nbsp;more importent than others?Now,in our country,this is popular.&nbsp;

lipeishu 发表于 2006-9-7 20:57:37

<p>Our objective, and our destiny, is to refashion Intel now </p><p>while we have the means and the time to do so, and ensure we </p><p>continue to remain number one. </p><p>Paul </p>
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