单枫芷叶 发表于 2003-6-2 20:48:00

best wishes to you and your lover^^

一依 发表于 2003-6-5 20:33:00


1111xgrq 发表于 2003-6-8 22:10:00


xiongzou 发表于 2003-6-13 16:28:00


joelle 发表于 2003-6-13 21:01:00


寡无欲 发表于 2003-6-14 04:37:00

Hello, everyone...

Miss you!!!!!!!

How are you doing?

As opposed to China, UK has absolutely different culture and atmosphere. You have many chances to feel them, actually, just watching them.

Now, it is really difficult to understand them exactly because I have been here less one month.

Fatanstic life we are all have.

寡无欲 发表于 2003-6-16 00:22:00

Weather in Lodon is changeable. The sunshine accompanied by the rain is not rare here. After arriving here, I began to have a new living in my life. Until now,I am still not sure what my future is, whereas, I belive that exploring is happy for me as part of the brilliant life.

You have some occasions to meet the students from different place in China, such as Liao Ning, Tian Jin, Nan Jin, Shang Hai, Beijing, Jiang Su, also, you will have as well plenty ofopportunities to meet different people from other European countries, and Asia countries.

we can understand the countries' backgroundfrom the students' study purpose. Different people have distinct opinions, that is because of different culture.

寡无欲 发表于 2003-6-16 03:27:00

The concept of role theory

Some interesting arguments from one essay, I just read it, about Role Set, and hope toshare with the fellows.

Any individuals in some situations occupied a role in relation to other people.
Some peple in the middle of a group of people are given the name of focal people.For instance, one family, the husband will be regarded as focal peple. the other people with whom children, children's teacher, wife, wife's parents interacted,will be called his Role Set.

Individuls often find hard to escape from the role that the cultural tranditions have defined them. Taking all things into consideration, if you are in that role for long it eventually becomes part of your life, part of your pesonality.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-16 3:44:15编辑过]

kintaro_jj 发表于 2003-6-28 13:02:00

but the role can also be changable , maybe foryour endeavor,your money even your job
or something like that.

can we say that the role sometimesmeans quitedifferent,more heaveresponsibiliy to shoulder ,and under this condition ,we just give the person a special name,and he worth it!

kintaro_jj 发表于 2003-6-28 13:04:00

wish ur lofty aspiration come true!

take care! and don't forget to bring us ur interesting experiences and let's share them with u together!

thanks a lot
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