wolf111 发表于 2005-4-26 13:00:57


<P>      在酒吧呆了大半年了,三天打鱼,两天晒网,想着这么年轻的生命就这么无声的耗着,心里很恐慌。白天躺在床上,真害怕自己就会这样睡过去,再也感觉不到窗外七彩的阳光。死水般的安宁就会带来消沉、委靡、颓废和百无聊赖等等更可怕的精神敌人,将豪迈激情彻底摧毁。</P>
<P>   心里总是空空荡荡的,尤其是独处时,恐慌、茫然、莫明的失落潮水般涌过来,压得我透不过气。朋友说,你再这样下去,真的无药可救了。总想要改变自己,却始终跨不出这第一步。所谓,性格决定个人的命运,要改变自己的命运,首先要改变思想、性格。</P>
<P>      读了《狼图腾》,觉得狼有很多的东西值得我们学习。狼的智慧、顽强和尊严;狼的视死如归和不屈不挠;狼族中的友爱亲情; 狼的团队精神和家族责任感;狼的每一次侦察、布阵、伏击、奇袭的高超战术;倔强可爱的小狼在失去自由后艰难的成长过程。书中情节紧张激烈而又新克格奇神秘,在书中每一篇章,每个细节中都能攫取强烈的阅读快感,令人欲罢不能,那些精灵一般的蒙古草原狼随时从书中呼啸而出。</P>
<P>   从小我就一直想到大草原去看看,感受那一望无际的广阔。一直也很喜欢腾格尔的歌,深沉、豪放、忧郁而绵长,会让你的心情安静下来,好像就是在草原吹风那么舒畅。看了〈狼图腾〉,让我的那种愿望更强烈了,狼有太多让人感到羞愧和敬仰的精神力量,没有多少人能够像狼那样不屈不挠地按照自己的意志生活,甚至不惜以生命为代价,来抗击几乎不可抗拒的外来力量。还有小狼那昂扬旺盛的生命力,让我的心里又感动又难过——整天的没有一点生气的浑噩度日,我的生命力难道已经萎缩了么?我的意志与梦想难道就此了结了么?</P>
<P>      看看镜子里的自己,没有一点生气,目光呆滞无神,我必须改变!要在年轻的时候看到更多,创造更多,体验更多,辉煌更多。我的人生我作主,按照自己心中的理想去生活,不能让城市浮燥、奢靡的空气把自己腐烂。</P>

发表于 2005-4-26 20:34:34


发表于 2005-4-26 20:38:16


ioeie 发表于 2005-4-27 19:57:51

<P>介绍首歌你听:</P><P><b>I Believe I Can Fly Lyrics</b>

I used to think
that I could not go on
And life was nothing but an awful song
But now I know the meaning of true love
I'm leaning on the everlasting arms

If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

See I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes the silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me

If I can see it, then I can be it
If I can believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

Cause I believe in you

If I can see it, then I can do it
If I can believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly


flyboy_zlb 发表于 2005-12-8 12:42:59

<P>楼主不必要惆怅,人生在世,肯定要遇到不愉快\烦恼的事情。学会勇敢对待,积极的心态对任何事情,相信你会坚强起来,随时快乐也不知不觉到来了。不信,你可以尝试。</P><P>相信吗?<a href="mailtbio_hong68@hotmail.com" target="_blank" >bio_hong68@hotmail.com</A> 愿探讨人生。</P>

lanbotian 发表于 2005-12-9 13:27:15

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