master_li 发表于 2005-3-2 16:01:06


<P>       Although we love our home in a fairly nice neighborhood in San Diego ,</P>
<P>my wife an I sometimes like to "looky-loo" at new homes --It's a kind of weekend pastime and,</P>
<P>who knows,we might find something really special which will tempt us into moving ...</P>
<P>   A couple of years ago, in one particularly expensive neighborhood ,we saw homes that were bigger than we could believe:15000 square feet and more.This was right next to a golf club where memberships ran $75000 a year. we were informed that everyone joined ,because everyone joined. What if you didn't play golf ? well,you joined anyway ,to socialize with the neighbors .That was simply part of the lifestyle .</P>
<P>   We stopped at one particularly imposing custom-home still underconstruction,wondering about the future occupants .Where did this wealth come from?</P>
<P>      How many children did these people have ,20 ? Or Perhaps their extended family -sisters and cousins and aunts ---Would be living there too?</P>
<P>      </P>
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