dwjql 发表于 2010-11-28 11:13:58

[转帖]Take me to a dream 带我进入梦乡

<h1>Take me to a dream 带我进入梦乡</h1>
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<p>Take me to a dream <br/>Take me to a dream <br/>That I never dreamed of. <br/>To a place so beautiful <br/>That we can stay for eternity. <br/>A dream that seems to be <br/>More real than real life , <br/>A dream of no problems or worries. </p>
<p><font color="#006200">带我进入梦乡 <br/>带我进入梦乡 <br/>去寻找另一个世界 <br/>那里的美丽难以想象 <br/>我们两相斯守 <br/>直到地久天长 <br/>比现实还要真切 <br/>没有烦恼也没有忧伤 </font></p>
<p>Take me to a dream, <br/>A place for just the two of us, <br/>Where we can express our inner <br/>Most thoughts, feelings, and emotions. <br/>To a beautiful land where nobody is there <br/>But just the two of us. <br/><br/><font color="#006200">带我进入梦乡 <br/>带我进入梦乡 <br/>去寻找两人的天地 <br/>我们可以互诉衷肠 <br/>知心的话语不断, <br/>浓密的情意更加激荡 <br/>没有别人搅扰 <br/>那美丽清净的地方 </font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Take me to a dream, <br/>A dream where I can have fun, <br/>Where I am not being abused at, <br/>Controlled or being yelled at. <br/>To a beautiful place that I can lay at <br/>In peace where I can think at, <br/>Where I have no worries <br/>And do nothing but dream. </font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Take me to a dream...</font></p>
<p><font color="#006200">带我进入梦乡 <br/>去寻找一种梦境 <br/>那里我的心情舒畅 <br/>没有虐待不受呵斥 <br/>一个自由自在的天堂 <br/>我可以安静地躺下 <br/>任意驰骋奇思遐想 <br/>只有纯粹的梦幻 <br/>没有烦恼忧伤 </font></p>
<p><font color="#006200">带我进入梦乡.……</font></p></div>
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