寡无欲 发表于 2004-2-3 03:27:00



It is a simple question, but there are few people who may really consider it.

Now, I just wonder. If you were boss, will your own company's benefits collide with        / conflict, or jeopardize your benefits.

In my opinion, I do not think so.

Generally speaking, or from public opinions, most of people think the company is mine, I, of course, will do the best for my company. I and my company are in the same body.

But they forget the key different is that the organisation may run much longer than their won life.

So, Would you        rather sacrifice your benefits for your company's future twenty years when you are not alive. Or, you just need your benefits now, not for your company, but for yourself. For example, if        5 years later, you may be dead. If having amount of cash flow, will you choose to contiue investing the money for your company or       just        use money to travel or satisfy your other wishes.

I believe that there are at least fifty per cent of people who would choose for themsevles, not for the company.

Great. now, at this stage. We have at least fifty per cent of people who wan to run their own business for a long time.       As a result, our country may have 三菱, 雀巢 这样的 世纪老店。

Now, we change some words, but still use the same        title.




background: 国家可不是你的

寡无欲 发表于 2004-2-3 03:35:00

Keeping silence, but not stop thinking. Are you?!

I hope that you and I are onto the right way.


QQlei11 发表于 2004-2-3 12:03:00


寡无欲 发表于 2004-2-4 04:38:00

I hope you have found the right answer.
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查看完整版本: [讨论]假如你是老板,你觉得公司利益和你自己利益是一致的吗