林帆 发表于 2010-1-7 12:10:51

[转帖] 5 years time 5年的时光弹指之间

<p>好久没有在家园群组中发歌了。今天很像找一首歌来舒缓下自己的心情。找了半天,找到了这首英国伦敦独立乐团Noah And The Whale的《5 years time》</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 时光飞逝,五年时间弹指而过,暮然回首,总有种已是百年身的感觉。人生有几个五年,有多少五年可供我们挥霍。</p>
<p><strong><font color="#696969" size="2">oh well,<br/>in 5 years time we could be walking around a zoo<br/>with the sun shining down over me and you<br/>and there'll be love in the bodies of the elephants turning up<br/>put my hands over your eyes, but you peek through<br/><br/>and there'll be,<br/>sun sun sun,<br/>all over our bodies,<br/>and sun sun sun,<br/>all down our necks,<br/>and there'll be,<br/>sun sun sun,<br/>all over our faces,<br/>and sun sun sun.<br/><br/>so what the heck,<br/>coz' i'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes,<br/>and we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke.<br/>all those stupid little ciggarettes and drink stupid wine,<br/>cuz' it was what we needed to have a good time.<br/><br/>and it was,<br/>fun fun fun<br/>when we were drinking<br/>it was,<br/>fun fun fun<br/>when we were drunk<br/>and it was,<br/>fun fun fun<br/>when we were laughing,<br/>it was,<br/>fun fun fun,<br/>oh it was fun.</font></strong></p>
<p>该贴来自群组:<a href="http://bbs.21manager.com/GroupIndex-51-1.html" target="_blank"><font color="red"><b>音乐世界</b></font></a></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-7 12:45:07编辑过]
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