lenovel 发表于 2009-3-20 08:34:22


<div align="center"><span style="FONT-SIZE: medium;"><strong>Work more effectively at your deck<br/></strong></span></div><br/>中国有句话说:磨刀不误砍柴工。英语说works matter not harder。要巧干,不要苦干。两者颇有异曲同工之妙。下面这12条小诀窍帮助你分清工作轻重缓急,轻松提高工作效率。<br/><br/>1.Write down your ideas. Do not trust your memory however good it may be!<br/><br/>要记录下你的想法,不要依赖你的记忆力,不管它有多好。<br/><br/>2. Set down your priorities before the start of each days work.<br/><br/>要先确定工作的轻重缓急,再开始一天的工作。<br/><br/>3.Use your high productivity hours for your top priority projects.<br/><br/>要在你的工作效率最高的时间段做最重要的项目。 <br/><br/>4.Take time-consuming projects in stages.<br/><br/>要把耗费时间的项目分为几个阶段来做。<br/><br/>5.Leave some time each day free from appointments. Do not over schedule.<br/><br/>要每天预留一点自由时间,工作不要安排过量。<br/><br/>6.Concentrate on one item at a time.<br/><br/>要一次专注一件事。<br/><br/>7.Take breaks. Walk around, stitch. Ear lunch away from your desk.<br/><br/>要休息,走动走动,伸伸懒腰,吃午餐要离开办公室。<br/><br/>8.Establish palace for everything. Categorize, file, and store interns nearby.<br/><br/>要使物品各有其位,分类,归档,就近存放物品。<br/><br/>9.Keep paperwork moving.<br/><br/>要随时做好文书工作<br/><br/>10.Put limits on visits:<br/><br/>要对来访有所限制:<br/><br/>A. Stack stuff on any extra chairs uninvited visitors have to stand.<br/><br/>多余的椅子上要堆放一此物品,这样不速之客就只能站着了。<br/><br/>B .when chatty people call, as soon as you answer the phone tells you have only a few minutes to told politely ask them the point of their call right away.<br/><br/>爱闲聊的人来电时,接起电话就告诉他们你只有几分钟的说话时间,接着就礼貌地要他们说正题 <br/><br/>11.Remove from your desk all papers you are not working on. This prevents lost or mixed up papers.<br/><br/>要把目前没有在处理的文件从案头抛开,以免丢失或混淆。<br/><br/>12.Hardee each piece of paper only once.<br/><br/>要一次性处理好一份文件。

yuan_mutian 发表于 2009-5-16 20:44:39


lewishao 发表于 2009-5-21 16:01:27

very nice of u

lewishao 发表于 2009-5-26 11:40:06

<p>第7点:Ear 估计是Eat</p>
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