阳关三叠 发表于 2009-2-16 13:48:31

[转帖]China's CCTV network gets little sympathy after hotel fire

<div id="wrapper_260"><img height="451" alt="Mandarin Oriental" src="http://www.latimes.com/media/photo/2009-02/44997420.jpg" width="300"/>&nbsp; <div style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; FONT: 11px Arial; COLOR: #666; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px solid;"></div></div><div class="orgurl"><h1>Alexander F. Yuan / Associated Press</h1></div><div id="wrapper_500"><div style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; FONT: 11px Arial; COLOR: #666; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px solid;"><div style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px;">Fire engulfed this building in CCTV’s new headquarters complex in Beijing. It was to house the Mandarin Oriental hotel.</div></div></div><div class="storysubhead" style="MARGIN: 0px 0px 15px; COLOR: #333333! important;">Public anger had been simmering over the TV network's spending and government-slanted news coverage. The fire at the Mandarin Oriental site in Beijing offers an outlet for the rage.</div><div class="storybyline" style="MARGIN: 0px 0px 15px; COLOR: #999999! important;">By Peter Spiegel <br/>February 11, 2009 </div><div class="storybody" id="article_body"><div class="storybody">Reporting from Beijing -- Even before it was revealed Tuesday that an unauthorized fireworks display organized by China Central Television caused the spectacular fire that destroyed one of Beijing's new glass-and-steel landmarks, the state-run broadcaster was already the subject of its own firestorm on the Internet.<br/><br/>The inferno at CCTV's new, still-unoccupied headquarters complex laid bare simmering anger and resentment toward the network both for spending public money on grand construction projects and for continuing to broadcast government propaganda.<br/><br/></div></div><div class="storybody">"As long as there aren't any injuries, let it burn. They don't need so many buildings <b></b>the first place," wrote one typical anonymous poster at the popular news portal Sohu.com. "CCTV enjoys too much luxury already. They will always have enough buildings, even though this building is down."<br/><br/>Jeremy Goldkorn, editor of a website that tracks Chinese media, said that among China's young, educated and urban, the stodgy network has long been a subject of ridicule, both for its low production values and its propagandistic news coverage.<br/><br/>But the fire -- which engulfed what was to be the Mandarin Oriental hotel, a dramatic, angular tower that stands next to the now-iconic CCTV building -- provided a new touchstone for critics, prompting the government to move quickly to mute the outrage. <br/><br/></div><div class="storybody">By Tuesday morning, Beijing's propaganda ministry had ordered all Chinese news media to stop reporting their own versions of the fire story and to use only the account provided by the official New China News Agency. <br/><br/>Newspapers were told not to use photos of the fire, or to do any in-depth reporting. <br/><br/>A similar notice went out to news websites, which were told to shut down blogs and discussion groups on the subject.<br/><br/>"Many people were very happy and rejoiced at the fire. Some said it's good that it burned," said Li Datong, a former editor at the Communist Party newspaper China Youth Daily, who was fired three years ago for criticizing government censorship. "The government isn't happy with these kinds of emotions, so they strictly controlled all reports."<br/><br/>Many websites quickly deleted critical postings, but the government's blunt tools were unable to completely stem the deluge. <br/><br/>One independent blogger named Zola posted an online poll in which 30% supported the statement "I hate CCTV, not just for this day. It has been fooling us for many years. It's definitely good for it to be self-immolated." <br/><br/>Forty-three percent supported a more subdued view, expressing sadness for the loss of state property.<br/><br/>In the afternoon, CCTV took the rare step of issuing a public apology for the fire, saying it was "deeply distressed" by the damage to state property and the disruptions caused to those living and working near the complex.<br/><br/>"CCTV expresses its sincere apology," the network said in a letter read on air by an anchor.<br/><br/>Beijing authorities said an investigation was underway, including a review of CCTV's own videotapes of the incident. The network said it would cooperate. <br/><br/>According to city fire officials, the blaze erupted after CCTV's large-scale fireworks display, for which government permission had not been obtained, erupted into a fireball, sending flames down the face of the asymmetrical building.<br/><br/>State-run news media on Tuesday also released more information about the lone person to die, 30-year-old firefighter Zhang Jianyong. He was among the first on the scene and died of smoke and gas inhalation, the media reported. Five other firefighters and one CCTV employee were injured, but hospital officials told the state-run media that none of the injuries were life-threatening.<br/><br/>Witnesses said firefighters arrived long after the blaze began and did little to battle it until it reached the lower floors because they lacked equipment to reach the upper stories.<br/><br/>In its apology, CCTV appeared to lay the blame on a mid-level official responsible for the site's management, who hired the fireworks company for Monday night's show. <br/><br/>The display was timed for the close of the Lunar New Year.<br/><br/>Fireworks are normally banned in the capital, but they are allowed for the New Year festival, and the skies of Beijing were aglow Monday night.</div>

阳关三叠 发表于 2009-2-16 13:52:57

<p>?Peter Spiegel/央视大火,全国皆知。虽然起火的并不是央视大楼而是邻近的文华东方酒店,但公众对此事的态度值得玩味。很多人幸灾乐祸,是喜是忧?值得我们深思。 依照惯性政府迅速采取了控制消息的措施,但再次见证互联网和网友的力量。</p><p>公众对中央电视台的奢侈浪费及偏向政府的宣传早有不满。这次大火给他们提供了一个出气的机会。</p><p>北京报道,中央电视台未经批准燃放烟花引发火灾,摧毁了北京的地标建筑之一。在这消息公布之前,在互联网上CCTV大楼起火已引发热议。CCTV大火使得公众对其在新总部建设上挥霍公款以及一贯为政府喉舌的不满显露无遗。</p><p>一位匿名网友在门户网站搜狐留言很典型:只要没有人员伤亡,尽管让它烧吧。央视根本不需要这么多大楼,它已经习惯了奢侈浪费,即使这个大楼烧掉,它也不缺这一个。Jeremy Goldkorn,一位跟踪中国媒体的网站编辑说:在中国城市受过教育的年轻人中,央视早已是嘲弄的对象,因为其食之无味及偏向政府的宣传。</p><p>事实上大火发生在紧邻CCTV新总部的文华东方酒店-一个尖塔形的建筑,这却给公众们以批评CCTV的机会。迫使政府迅速行动平息众怒。周二早上,中宣传部命令中国所有新闻媒体停止自行报道本次火灾,而只能用新华社的稿件。报纸不能加火灾图片,不允许进行深入报道。一个类似的通知也已发至各个新闻网站,关闭讨论此事的博客和讨论组。事实上很多人幸灾乐祸。前中国青年报记者,3年前因为批评政府的新闻审查制度而被解职的李大同说:一些人说烧得好,政府对这种言论散发的情绪很敏感,所以他们必须严格控制所有的报道。很多网站迅速删除所有的带有批评的帖子,但政府这一做法并不堵住问题的根源。一个名为Zola的独立博客组织的民意调查显示:30%的人支持“我恨CCTV,不仅仅是今天,它已经愚弄我们多年,它自残当然很好。43%的人对国有资产损失感到悲哀。</p><p>下午CCTV罕见的就大火事件对公众道歉,它在道歉声明中说:对国有资产的损失倍感痛心,对周围居民工作生活带来的不便表示歉意。</p><p>北京有关部门表示调查还在进行,包括位于事发地点CCTV自己拍下的录像带。央视表示会全力配合调查。北京市消防局称:CCTV未经批准大规模燃放烟花,升起的火焰散落在建筑物表面引发了大火。官方新闻媒体周二报道,一位30岁的消防员,张建勇在火灾中丧生。他最先进入火灾现场,因为吸入大量浓烟而死亡。 5名消防员,一名央视员工受伤,但医院称他们均无生命危险。据目击者称:消防员很久才抵达火灾现场,而且由于缺乏到达高楼的设备也无所作为,直到大火烧到低层。</p><p>在CCTV的致歉中,它将错误归咎与新台址管理办公室一位中层官员,周一晚上(阴历新年的最后一天)燃放烟花的活动是由他雇佣的烟花公司。在首都北京燃放烟花平时是被禁止的,但是春节期间是被允许的,周一晚上北京的夜空被烟花照得通红。</p><p><a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-beijing-fire11-2009feb11,0,6561766.story">http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-beijing-fire11-2009feb11,0,6561766.story</a></p><p><a href="mailto:peter.spiegel@latimes.com">peter.spiegel@latimes.com</a></p><p>泰晤士报北京办事处的Eliot Gao 和 Nicole Liu 对本报道亦有贡献。</p>
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