mingfangzmf 发表于 2009-2-6 08:17:41

[转帖]永远的朋友 forever friend

<p>当全世界都离你而去<br/>一个朋友走近了你<br/>有时在生命中<br/>会有这样一个特别的朋友<br/>他能改变你的生活<br/>成为你生活的一部分<br/>他能让你前仰后俯<br/>笑个不停<br/>他会让你明白世间真的有真善美<br/>他能让你相信真有一扇门<br/>专为你而敞开<br/>这就是永恒的友情<br/>当你心情低落时<br/>整个世界都变得黑暗而又空虚<br/>你永远的朋友能使你振奋精神<br/>驱走黑暗,立刻明亮;赶走空虚,顿时充实<br/>你永远的朋友带你度过难关,<br/>远离忧伤<br/>告别彷徨<br/>如果你转身离去<br/>永远的朋友会一路跟随<br/>如果你迷失自我<br/>永远的朋友会引导你,为你加油,给你鼓励<br/>永远的朋友握住你的手<br/>告诉你,一切都会好起来</p><p>A friend walk in <br/>When the rest of the world walks out<br/>Sometimes in life<br/>you find a special friend<br/>Someone who changes your life <br/>just by being part of it<br/>Someone who makes you laugh <br/>until you can't stop<br/>Someone who makes you believe that <br/>there really is good in the world<br/>Someone who convinces you that <br/>there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it<br/>This is Forever Friendship <br/>When you're down <br/>and the world seems dark and empty<br/>  <br/>Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits <br/>And makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full<br/>Your forever friend gets you through the hard times<br/>the sad times<br/>and the confused times<br/>If you turn and walk away <br/>Your forever friend follows <br/>If you lose you way <br/>Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on <br/>Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay</p>
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