阳关三叠 发表于 2008-7-17 14:07:49


<p>7月8日,离开北京奥运会开幕正好还有一个月,剑桥大学著名的国王学院终于在剑河之滨的一块草地上为中国诗人徐志摩立了一块白色大理石的诗碑。诗碑上录着徐诗《再别康桥》里的第一行和最后一行诗,</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。</p><p align="center"><a href="http://www.zixuncity.com/images/newspic/2008/07/17/20080717135636e25df21a02ce59c56c1b4aa292569b6155a4317c20080717135636.jpg"><img height="643" src="http://www.zixuncity.com/images/newspic/2008/07/17/20080717135636e25df21a02ce59c56c1b4aa292569b6155a4317c20080717135636.jpg" width="857" border="0" alt=""/></a></p><p align="center">剑桥新近树立的徐志摩诗碑,周围有野鸭嬉戏. 蔡天新摄.</p><p>80年前,徐志摩曾通过一位叫迪金森的朋友的关系,在国王学院旁听了一年的政治和经济课程。据国王学院发布的消息称,徐志摩这位20世纪最伟大(存有争议)的中国诗人,正是在剑桥逗留时读到济慈和雪莱的诗歌,才开始写诗的。消息同时还称,这块白色大理石与构筑北京紫禁城的大理石质地完全一样,放在这里可以作为连接中国和剑桥的纽带.</p><p>据博主了解,20多年前,就有到访剑桥的中国访问学者告诉国王学院,徐志摩写剑桥的这首诗在中国非常有名,建议立块诗碑,但一直没有下文。可能最近十来年,大批自费中国留学生来剑桥学习,从伦敦来剑桥一日游的中国人更是每天数以百计,络绎不绝,才促使国王学院下这个决心。遗憾的是,碑文周边没有任何英文说明,只有中国人才能看懂。</p><p>以下是国王学院发布的信息原文(承蒙罗宾逊学院陶颖小姐告之此消息,表示感谢)</p><p>New stone installed with China's best-known poem</p><p align="center"><a href="http://www.zixuncity.com/images/newspic/2008/07/17/20080717135636e25df21a02ce59c56c1b4aa292569b6155a4317c20080717135703.jpg"><img height="270" src="http://www.zixuncity.com/images/newspic/2008/07/17/20080717135636e25df21a02ce59c56c1b4aa292569b6155a4317c20080717135703.jpg" width="180" border="0" alt=""/></a></p><p>A white marble stone has been installed at the back of King's bearing a verse from the China's best-known poem. 'Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again' is by arguably the greatest poet of 20th century China, Xu Zhimo, and has an emotional place in many Chinese people's hearts.</p><p>Xu Zhimo wrote the poem on the King's College Backs, and it is thought that the golden willow of the poem is the tree that stands beside the bridge at King's, near to where the stone has been installed. This poem is one which most educated Chinese know and many feel deeply moved by. It provides a bridge between China and Cambridge, and King's in particular. Many Chinese students think of this poem when leaving Cambridge.</p><p>Xu Zhimo died in 1931 at the young age of 36 in an air crash. He studied Politics and Economics 1921-2 and was associated with King's through Goldsworthy Llowes Dickinson. It was in Cambridge that, under the influence of poets such as Keats and Shelley, he began to write poetry.</p><p>A friend of Cambridge in China, Simon Jiang, arranged for the stone to be inscribed with the first two and last two lines of the poem and brought to Cambridge. It is made of white Beijing marble (the same stone used to construct the Forbidden City in Beijing) as a symbol of the continuing links between King's and China.<a href="http://www.zixuncity.com/images/newspic/2008/07/17/20080717135636e25df21a02ce59c56c1b4aa292569b6155a4317c20080717135703.jpg"></a></p>

robert8888 发表于 2008-10-4 12:03:21


ztt21 发表于 2008-10-4 15:15:38

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