-圈圈- 发表于 2008-7-14 20:52:48

Marketing Experimence

<DIV>Yesterday, I&nbsp;go to the cinima with brothers and sisters. In this cinima,if you have a Pinan credit card,you can buy&nbsp;two tickets only 10 yuan each,compared with the usual price,which is cheaper. We five guys get three cards,therefore,we have one more ticket.My elder sister ask me if i want to sell it and use the money we earned to buy the pop corn.i say YES!</DIV>
<DIV>so ,when we start to find the guy&nbsp;who want to buy the ticket cheaper.&nbsp;i see there are others do the same thing . where is the monery,where is the person.we meet a boy mistake us as their customers and ask us again and again if we want their ticket.we don't tell him that we are the peers. </DIV>
<DIV>we,two,sell the ticket after asking ten persons. To my surprise, they sit just in the front of us.i also have a little disappointment that we can not sell the ticket to the friendly foriegners.at first ,i think it is the advantage that we can talk to the foriegners.at the end, we didn't us this advantage.</DIV>
<DIV>maybe next time ,we can do it.</DIV>
<DIV>what we do is the basic marketing.It's interesting and competition.Some guys just pretend not to hear you or they walk through.Perhaps they think&nbsp;we are annoyed.I will do so if some one ask me as i ask them. marketing is not so easy, but it's full of endless try.we see the film&lt;Hancock&gt;,a person named Ray who is a personal relation.He is trying to spread a logo that mean your company have donated money or products to the chrity.However,he is failure all the time after he become a friend with Hancock. </DIV>
<DIV>have a try,it's the crucial proceedure of success.</DIV>

redya 发表于 2008-7-15 12:43:01

<p>You fall into red sea in this ocassion. pls swim to the land quickly to avoid any accident.</p>
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