jekkychi 发表于 2007-11-26 20:24:18


<div class="t_msgfont" id="message294766"><font size="4"><font color="#ff0000">A</font>ccepts you as you are 接受原本的你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">B</font>elieves in "you" 相信你这个人 <br/><font color="#ff0000">C</font>alls you just to say "Hi" 打电话给你只是想说声"嗨" <br/><font color="#ff0000">D</font>oesn't give up on you 从不放弃对你的信心 <br/><font color="#ff0000">E</font>nvisions the whole of you 预期你总是尽全力 <br/><font color="#ff0000">F</font>orgives your mistakes 原谅你的过错 <br/><font color="#ff0000">G</font>ives unconditionally 无条件地付出 <br/><font color="#ff0000">H</font>elps you 帮助你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">I</font>nvites you over 邀请你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">J</font>est "be" with you 静静地在你的身旁 <br/><font color="#ff0000">K</font>eeps you close at heart 靠近你的心 <br/><font color="#ff0000">L</font>oves you for who you are 因你本来的样子而爱你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">M</font>akes a difference in your life 使你的生活与以往不同 <br/><font color="#ff0000">N</font>ever judges 从不评价你<br/><font color="#ff0000">O</font>ffers support 支持你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">P</font>icks you up 扶你一把 <br/><font color="#ff0000">Q</font>uiets your fears 止息你的恐惧 <br/><font color="#ff0000">R</font>aises your spirits 鼓舞你的心灵 <br/><font color="#ff0000">S</font>ays nice things about you 跟别人述说你好的一面 <br/><font color="#ff0000">T</font>ells you the truth when you need to hear it 当需要时会告诉你实情 <br/><font color="#ff0000">U</font>nderstands you 了解你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">V</font>alues you 重视你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">W</font>alks beside you 与你同行 <br/><font color="#ff0000">X</font>-plain things you don't understand 为你解惑 <br/><font color="#ff0000">Y</font>ells when you won't listen 当你不理智时叫醒你 <br/><font color="#ff0000">Z</font>aps you back to reality 把你拉回现实 </font><br/><font size="4"><br/>Maybe you have many friend, But how many of them can finish A to Z? 也许你有很多“朋友”,但真正能做到 A 到 Z 的又有几个呢?<br/>Please have good care for your good friends. 请珍惜你身边的好朋友!<br/>Show your friends how much you care. 告诉你的朋友你有多在乎他们。</font></div>

guihua0927 发表于 2007-11-28 21:30:27

very good
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