dzqiang 发表于 2007-9-26 17:12:26


<div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">Keep up a high self esteem, <br/></font></div><div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">always choose the right friends, <br/></font></div><div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">but try to notice as soon as possible if someone is tricking you, <br/></font></div><div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">n</font><font face="新宋体" size="4">ever stop being inquisitive,&nbsp; <br/></font></div><div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">relax,&nbsp; <br/></font></div><div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">think about the past sometimes, <br/></font></div><div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">take care of yourself when necessary...&nbsp; <br/></font></div><div class="t_msgfont"><font face="新宋体" size="4">and if nothing else helps, act stupid!</font><br/>&nbsp;</div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-26 17:13:30编辑过]

ecommander 发表于 2007-9-27 16:39:13

well,some of them :)

liangest 发表于 2007-9-28 13:44:43


lingerbobo 发表于 2007-9-29 14:02:41

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