乔家学院 发表于 2007-7-18 05:01:29


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<DIV class=item-content><SPAN id=tagsBox></SPAN></DIV><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 迪尔博特的原则(笔者直译名)这款桌面游戏是老乔在研究《做游戏学管理》所见到的第一款关于人力资源领域的游戏。<BR>一、背景信息<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img alt="" src="http://116.img.pp.sohu.com/images/blog/2007/7/17/18/26/1146ce0d7bc.jpg" border=0/>&nbsp;游戏的发明人苏格特·亚当1957年出生于美国纽约,1986年毕业与加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的工商管理硕士,曾做过电脑编程员、财政分析师、产品管理经理和商业出借人、工程师。从1989年到1995年苏格特·亚当每天所做的事情就是夜以继日的画迪尔博特的系列漫画,后来这部由迪尔博特命名的系列漫画成为了商业社会的经典。而由迪尔博特命名的书籍、音像制品、桌面游戏也应运而生,类似于SNOOPY一样,迪尔博特已经成为公司小白领的代名词。<BR><BR>二、游戏介绍<BR>  这款游戏目前在国内还没有中文版本,更没有中文说明。本想翻译成中文,但自己实在没这个能力。所以只好将游戏的英文说明摘抄如下:<BR>The Dilbert Principle——The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage: management. <BR>Welcome to the absurdities of the business world: a place of rightsizing, vision statements, bungee bosses, peer reviews, total quality management and team-building exercises; a place where millennia of evolution is put to use in the struggle for the best cubicle and competition over office furniture.&nbsp; </SPAN></DIV>
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<P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">the Board Game you and up to five friends toil in an office of evil HR directors, accounting trolls, canine consultants, and a boss who bears a suspicious resemblance to the devil. Every project assigned to you is doomed from the start, so your best bet is to dump it on someone else or try to get it killed before it eats away any more of your life. In fact, the only thing that really matters in the end is your own happiness. So why bother with work? </SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Dilbert is a hilarious board game for 3-6 players ages 14 and up, and requires about 90 minutes to play. <BR><BR>补充说明:<BR>1、了解更多《迪尔博特的原则》请点击官方网站:</SPAN><A href="http://www.dilbert.com/"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: #7a99a8">http://www.dilbert.com/</SPAN></A><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">。<BR>2、这款游戏目前是刚刚上市,从这个游戏的照片可看出,共有同一公司的5个角色,有迪尔博特、人力资源经理、有顾问、老板和一个计算游戏分数的会计。游戏包含游戏角色卡片、任务卡片和办公室的地图等,但具体游戏怎么玩法老乔尚未摸清楚,尚比较遗憾。<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 百渡和GOOGLE搜索,找不到国内有卖!很希望有机会出国者,如果在国外有看到,带一幅回来,咱感激不尽。</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
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查看完整版本: 《做游戏学管理》--迪尔博特原则的启蒙知识