songmin 发表于 2007-7-14 14:16:46

Right ? or Wrong

<DIV>It has been a long time that I have made any entry in my blog. Because these days my mood can't calm down .I can't think about something very quitely .last Tursday i went to Beijing in order to participant one of my interview. But when I arrive at Beijing , I found this city doesn't belong to me. I fee that Beijing is strange to me.I don't know why ? Sometime i want to come to one company that is not very far from my home.So I can go home at every weekend.But when i stayed in Beijing , I found that's not what I want to get .Of course, There are some reasons that I fail to the interview. They are not interested in me. So I decided I will continue to stay in Shanghai .I want to develop my carrer in Shanghai.I have got an offer from anther company ,they want me to join in them.Through last night I talked to my family, especially Just now I chat with my older brother , I know I should leave the current company .go to the new company .I must face lots of unexpected things, Do everything by myself. So next Monday I will talk to my manager and my leader .I want to resign from my current position. Thanks for helping me during this one year. I regard that it 's right,So I made this decision. If you are my friend , I know you also will support me.right ? In order get a anther challenge, in order to improve my ability ,in order&nbsp; to achieve my dream, you all will support me.Yes, I think you all will do that .</DIV>
<DIV>I have recognized one India person .He is a very nice guy .I have recomment him to join in my current firm. He has been in Shanghai about one month.He also is seek job.Hope he can join in our company . I also will seize this chance to communicate with him, hope he can improve my oral English. I think he can do that. My dream is one day I can go abroad throught our company. I want to change my thought ,change my life sytle, change my mind.I think this dream will come true. I have confidence of it .</DIV>
<DIV>All my friend and my family you all should trust me, I will change myself . <BR>An optimistic, easygoing ,positive , brave girl. Her dream will come true .</DIV>
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